110-2 DL APP Final Project Presentations

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Grading Deadline: 2022/6/19 23:59 CST
Date ID Team Name Topic YouTube Link
6/6 1
Learning Deep Learning
Bird Classification and Location
6/6 2 S.T.C
Smart Trash Can
6/6 3 406
Background Noise Remover using Deep Neural Networks
6/6 4 M & N
Deep Learning for Classification and Localization of COVID-19 Markers in Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasound
6/6 5 ISO
Prediction the state of health (SOH) of lithium-ion batteries using regression and LSTM
6/6 6 Minda
Generating fake faces using GAN
6/6 7 Joseph Classification of Bird Chirps: A Case of Taiwanese Species
6/6 8 109319412
Defect Detection of TFT-LCD Array Process Using U-Net Based Feature Fusion Technique
6/13 9 Datagen
Object Detection Using Synthetic Data
6/13 10 Lab414-Dog walking team
Caries segmentation on tooth X-ray images
6/13 11 The Game of Neural
Behaviour/Pose Detection
6/13 12 LaoShu
Electricity Price Forecasting based on RNN Model
6/13 13 META design
Using deep-learning methods to invers design metamaterials structures
6/13 14 only one person
Object Detection
6/13 15 what zit tooya
lidar super-resolution
6/13 16 Why?
Building a framework for simulating SNNs with PyTorch backend
6/13 17 LAB205
6/13 18 Rays 1 Da 3 AAAAA
MRI Brain Tumor Classification
6/13 19 Team Crow
Image inpainting with debluring and denoising using GAN
6/13 20 C8C8
肺腺癌病理切片影像之腫瘤氣道擴散偵測競賽 II:運用影像分割作法於切割STAS輪廓 AI-CUP competition : Medical image segmentation for STAS (Significance of Tumor spread through Air Spaces)
6/13 21 0
Mask Detection and Social Distancing Detection
6/13 22 team ABC
ARIMA compare with SARIMA predict airplane passengers
6/13 23 110-2 DL Project
Tuberculosis Detection Using X-Ray with Dual Attention in Convolutional Neural Network Model
6/13 24 C2H2
Unsupervised GAN for Image-to-Image Translation
6/13 25 407-2
6/13 26 Lab701-2
Reinforcement Learning -Mountain Car